G A Hughes & Associates Limited Commenced practice in 1973 as G.A Hughes & Associates and was incorporated in February 2000. We have offices at Whangaparaoa and at Hamilton employing a total of 7 staff.
Our Hamilton Office operates under the name of G A Hughes & Associates (2005) Ltd and the Directors are G A Hughes and S Jaspers. This office handles most of the Construction Monitoring, Geotechnical Investigations, CAD Drawings and OnSite Waste Water and Storm Water Design and some Structural Design work.
Our Team

Coming soon
Gordon Hughes
Managing director
Gordon is a member of the IPENZ Competency Assessment Board, IPENZ Practice Area Assessor, member of the management committee, and executive of The Structural Engineering Society of New Zealand (SEOC).
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil).
AUT- Diploma of Managemen.
Chartered Professional Engineer.
International Professional Engineer.

Coming soon
Steve Jaspers
Steve worked for G.A Hughes & Associates Ltd for 10 years before buying out the business in 2005.
NZCE (civil) AdvTradeCert (Building).

Coming soon
Chaopeng Zhuang (John)
John is qualified as a chartered professional engineer. He is a member of SESOC and has a membership with IPENZ. He has attended and completed courses for Timber Connection Design and Concrete Design.
Masters degree in Structural Engineering (China).
Diploma of Management.
Diploma in civil Engineering (NZ).
Chartered Professional Engineer

Coming soon
Noel Jellyman
Owner of Noel Jellyman Building
Noel owns and runs Noel Jellyman Building Consultants Limited and this company provides building consultancy services, including pre-purchase inspections, expert advice on building issues, expert advice of weather-tight design and advice in respect of the Construction Contrasts Act 2002. Noel Frequently provides expert advice in respect of weather-tightness and compliance with the New Zealand Building Code.
Member of Adjudicators' Association of NZ.
Member of NZ Society of Construction Law.
Previous member of the Waikato registered
Masters Builders Association for 25 years.

Coming soon
Anita Bree
Office Manager
Anita has been working with us since 2005 and is a vital asset.